Produced at a workshop, along with a whole herd of alpacas, Al stood out on his own. We used polychromo pencils on coloured Mi Teinte pastel paper – the objective was to use the colour of the paper as a base for the colour of the animal skin. As usual I had gone to participate with the other students and to follow instructions to the letter in order to learn more techniques and skills; you can never know enough. However, it is never a good idea to tell me not to be afraid to make the work my own! Once we were told not to stick rigidly to the colours the tutor was using, I was like a child in a candy store, adding purple here, pink there and of course a little orange. The base colour was completely lost and I failed in the objective of the lesson. All I can say is althought the tutor did provide the stimulus, and I admit to using the same outline, but this little character was never gonna be just one of the crowd. He is quite an individual and not one to follow the herd. Of course it’s called Call Me Al.

Call Me Al
Call Me Al
- Post author:Duffy Tomei
- Post published:October 22, 2022
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Post comments:0 Comments