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Amour Amur

Amour Amur

Finding working on black paper an interesting experiment, I decided to explore using the negative in more detail.  On considering a suitable theme, I came up with the leopard feeling, that the spotty coat would prove a challenge.  I rifled around online to find some kind of stimulus and, looking at wildlife photography, was struck by a particular set of images.  Having attempted to recreate the fabulous formation of the pelt, I discovered just how much of a challenge it was to be.  Proud of the outcome, I showed the feline creature to a friend who was far more familiar with wild life than me, being an experienced animal portrait painter.  ‘What do you think of my leopard?’ I asked.  ‘Oh it’s an Amur leopard isn’t it?’ she replied.  Feeling quite ashamed of my ignorance, I simply replied ‘if you say so’ with an embarrassed giggle.  I immediately went off to research the animal I’d painted, and learned of the plight of the Amur leopard.  Named after the Amur-Heilong area which it inhabits, the Amur leopard is a critically endangered species.  My heart went out full of love for this beautiful creature and I called my painting Amour Amur.  Sadly, because their coats are so beautiful, they are prized by hunters.  Found in only a small area of Russia and China, these wild cats are teetering on the verge of extinction.  The World Wildlife Fund is working hard to try to save these wild cats.  If you’d like to find out more, go to

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