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Flock Coat

Snow Flock

One of my many paintings created at a workshop with my friend Lesley Lord.  I have to acknowledge Lesley in that the scene for this painting is her concept in the main, but the rendering of the painting is my own work.  I thoroughly enjoy attending workshops run by Lesley who, as a professional artist, has produced wonderful works for 40 years or more.  The sharing of her knowledge on how to put down paint has been invaluable allowing me to explore and produce my own style of painting.  This painting explored that very important rule of leaving negative space to create white areas in a painting.  The purists never use white paint in watercolours.  I continue to attend workshops with Lesley because I enjoy spending time with like minded souls in a creative atmosphere and because I invariably pick up another little piece of advice that enriches my ever growing encyclopedia of ‘how to paint with watercolour’.

15″ x 11″

Bockingford 300gm NOT

Winsor Newton watercolours



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