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Dandelion – prints available only

Can you paint me a dandelion please?

It was a beautiful sunny day when these words drifted over to me from a very dear friend.  At first the enormity of the request didn’t register as I imagined the pretty yellow flower.  It was only when she explained how much she loved the delicacy of the flower as you blow it into the wind that I understood.  For the next few months I pondered on how to create this image, what medium to use and where to begin.  I walked around my garden regularly looking for stimulus.  Eventually I found the perfect picture of a full, newly formed, global dandelion and sitting right beside was its pretty little yellow flower friend.  I grabbed my camera to provide a memory of the gold and silver treasure I’d discovered.  It was months before I summoned the courage to recreate this with paint on paper.

Winsor and Newton watercolour on Bockingford 425g NOT

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